Hypnosis for Treatment of Movement Disorders

NOTE: Discounts available to students of educational institutions in related study programs. See FAQ at bottom for details on how to get the discounted price.

An online downloadable course for licensed healthcare practitioners and also for certified hypnotists (NGH, IACT, ICBCH, etc.) to learn effective techniques for helping their patients and clients obtain positive resolutions for their symptoms of Conversion Disorder or Psychogenic Movement Disorder, now more commonly known as

Functional Neurologic Disorder (FND)

(including Functional Movement Disorder FMD)

  • Have you been diagnosed with FND or FMD and are seeking relief from your symptoms using hypnosis? Get Treatment Now!
  • Searchable Directory of Hypnotists who have taken this course and offer their hypnosis services to those suffering from FND
  • Graduates of this course can access the Discussion Forums
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Online Course

Designed by a Certified Master Trainer

instructor of hypnotism experienced in treating

FND and FMD symptoms

8 Lessons

Covering every topic you need

in order to be successful plus 5 Bonus Lessons for deeper dives into the details

2 hours 9 minutes

Of video instruction plus downloadable reference materials, and you'll be ready to start helping people overcome debilitating symptoms

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An incredible learning experience

World-class hypnosis course for anyone, anywhere with some experience in hypnotism

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A breakthrough in treatment options

Medical literature has very few references to the use of hypnotism for resolving symptoms of FND movement disorders. You will learn the most important aspects of using hypnosis for treating the symptoms of these abnormal body movements, based on actual clinical experiences, not theory!

Frustrations of patients and doctors in finding treatment options

Dispel the myths about using hypnosis for these disorders

A proven step-by-step approach to the hypnosis session

How to use our framework of metaphors to address any condition

Common problems, questions, and support from other professionals

In what ways is video conference different than in-person hypnotism?

Control and agency

Every person with a psychogenic movement disorder has a different array of causes and symptoms. Learn how to zero in on the most effective healing.

Helping the client/patient re-establish agency over their body movements

Building a positive attitude of a successful resolution

3 key things that should always be included in the treatment

How to give the client a "remote control" to maintain agency all day long

Turn a common suggestibility test into a powerful hypnotic force

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8 Step Lesson Plan + 5 Bonus Lessons

Taking you from the problem to the solution and beyond


Introduction to this treatment method

Healthcare practitioners and their patients are often frustrated with a lack of "what to try next". In this course we will explain why hypnosis should be considered a front-line treatment option that gives people hope and relief



There are many myths about hypnosis and trance in general, and about treating FND and FMD with hypnotherapy, and we give you the straight truth on all of them, based on years of experience


The step-by-step hypnosis process

From the pre-talk to "suggestibility proofs", to the use of the Palace of Mind as a framework for powerful metaphors, post-hypnotic suggestions, etc.


30,000 foot level overview

What happens before and after the first session is just as important as what happens during the session. Follow-up sessions. Predictors of success or failure.


FAQ and Troubleshooting

We answer many questions and give you ideas on how to overcome common problems that may be encountered

More than just an online course

After seeing the frustrations felt by healthcare practitioners and patients, we set out to find the key factors in determining successful outcomes, and built our course and our practice around those

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Endless education

Additional training is available for many other metaphors that might be useful to you

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Get Referrals

Completion of this course gets you listed in our public directory of FND Hypnosis practitioners

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Anytime, anywhere

We offer this course online, so you can take it from the convenience of your home or office.

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Unlimited downloads

You can download this course to multiple computers as long as they all are under your control or ownership


One-on-one mentoring is available.

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Discussion forum

A growing network of graduates of this course is available for support and getting your questions answered

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Reference Materials

Articles, YouTube videos, web links for later reference after the course

Get started today

Our product is based on real outcomes, and we stand behind its quality. This course includes:

8 lessons of on-demand video + 5 bonus deep-dive lessons

Over 2 hours of ground-breaking new information

Lessons accessible on mobile devices

Reference Materials downloadable

Access to online discussion forum for Q&A and support

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Better chances for successful outcomes

If you have refractory patients with FND who don't seem to be getting any better with traditional treatments, and you have little else to offer, what if you could give them a better than 50/50 chance of improvement in a matter of a few sessions with you?

"I think you cured me!"

L.R. in Dallas
After 1 session

"I am giving you an update from Tuesday nights session (FND foot problems). That night I dreamt that I could walk, run and skip again like I did as a child. When I woke up I started walking but then suddenly realized I was walking normal without telling my body what to do."

K.S. in Dallas
After 8 sessions

"Management of my symptoms (seizures) has just been getting better and better, and I couldn’t be happier with my daily life."

A.W. in Dallas
After 8 sessions

"I feel like I've come a long way since we started. On a scale of 0-10 I would say a 10. I flew to New York. I've gone back to work."

G.N. in Dallas
After 2 sessions

This was a life changing experience for me. I hadn't walked independently for over 3 1/2 years and I walked to my sister's car by myself. Later went shopping and to lunch and walked alone the whole time. Amazing.

V.F. in Dallas
After 1 session

I have had some improvements in my FND symptoms (seizures, sleep, dissociation), and I am happy with the outcome!

N.C. in Dallas
After 5 sessions
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Hi, I am Dave Morris

Instructor and Certified Master Trainer of hypnotism, International Assoc of Counselors and Therapists (IACT), Certified Hypnotist, National Guild of Hypnotists (NGH)

I didn't set out to specialize in movement disorders. In fact without having any medical training, I didn't even know what Functional Neurological Disorder was, and had to have it explained to me. All I saw was the symptoms my clients were exhibiting: lack of control over hand movements, head movement, speech, balance, gait, seizures, etc. So I used all the hypnotic techniques I have developed in my hypnosis practice over the years to treat the symptoms I could see, and surprisingly these clients responded well to it.

I worked with the neurologists, psychologists, psychiatrists, and physical therapists at UT Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas to begin quantifying the success rate as well as to find the key factors that determine positive outcomes. Many of my clients had nowhere else to turn. They had exhausted all the options traditionally employed in Western medicine, and I decided we must give more practitioners access to these techniques.

I look forward to working with you to start seeing some great outcomes, some of which may well appear magical and amazing!

You have questions. We have answers.

There are many questions in this field that we cannot yet answer, but we have a rich set of experiences with our clients with FND or FMD that we can usually find answers for you

Do I need to be a doctor? Psychologist? Licensed?

Dave Morris is not a physician or psychologist, and he created this course to help others learn how to achieve the same great outcomes as he has had using hypnosis. You DO need to have some experience with hypnotism, but licensure is not required, if you are not claiming to be practicing medicine. In this course we teach you how to alleviate symptoms not how to cure diseases. If you ARE a licensed healthcare practitioner, you will have some added insights into the symptoms, but since we are only dealing with psychogenic symptoms, your medical training may take a back seat to your abilities as a hypnotist in these cases.

How do I get new clients with functional movement disorders?

After you have taken the course, you can be listed in our public directory of hypnotists so patients can find you and healthcare professionals can refer patients to you when they believe hypnosis might help.

Are there any dangers in using hypnosis for this purpose?

We have not found any reasons not to use hypnosis for this purpose, unless you have a subject that is likely to fall asleep in a risky environment over video conference. But be aware that many of these symptoms may have a traumatic cause which may create some emotional distress during treatment that may require you to use what you learned in your original hypnosis training to deal with traumatic incidents in the past.

Do you offer a money-back guarantee for this course?

Outcomes from hypnotism cannot be guaranteed. But if you have seen 3 clients or patients for 3 sessions each, and do not believe you have learned the tools to start giving them relief, we will give you a free mentoring teleconference session, and if that still does not help you, we will refund the cost of the course and remove you from the database

Can all Movement Disorders be treated with hypnotism?

In this course, we focus only on Functional Neurologic Disorder (FND), including Functional Movement Disorder (FMD) and Psychogenic Nonepileptic Seizures (PNES), because they have psychological origins rather than organic ones that would require treatment by a licensed healthcare practitioner

What if a client has FND and also Parkinsons, Tourette's, MS, Epileptic seizures, or other things?

If you approach your hypnosis treatments with a desire to give relief from symptoms, rather than as a cure for a specific diagnosis, you can see good outcomes, no matter what the client presents. You may not solve all their problems, but you may give them relief from the most problematic symptoms, if they have their origin in the subconscious mind and not an organic medical condition.

How long does a typical hypnosis session last?

We recommend spending at least an hour with a brand new client you have not seen before, and at least 30-45 minutes with repeat clients, preferably an hour. The hypnosis portion of the session is usually best if it is 20-30 minutes as a minimum.

What does the medical literature say about using hypnosis for FND and FMD?

There have been very few studies of the efficacy of hypnosis for functional movement disorders. These have been inconclusive due to the nature of tailoring hypnosis sessions to the needs of individual subjects (direct vs indirect suggestions, new theories about trance, etc.). However the author of this course has been working with a prominent neurology department to publish results of informal case work and we may also be doing more formal research later this year. Stay tuned.

Can these hypnosis techniques be also applied to chronic pain?

We have been using many of the same techniques you will learn in this course to help alleviate pain in our clients for nearly a decade now.

What is the success rate for hypnosis for FND and FMD?

That is always a tricky question, because the client/patient has to do the work in their subconscious mind, and everyone is different. However, remember you are dealing with people who have usually reached the end of their rope, with no further treatment options. And for these people, the author of this course has seen about a 50% success rate over a range of 1 to 8 sessions. That's 50% of people who didn't have any options, and now have their symptoms either completely or nearly complete resolved! What about the other 50%? In many cases we don't know their outcomes because they stopped coming. It may have been the cost of treatment or slower results, or maybe they got all the help they needed and just didn't tell us! If you would like to see a list of symptoms and outcomes that we keep fairly up-to-date, look at the top of this page for the "Get Treatment Now" link.

This course uses Palace of Mind (R) as the hypnosis framework. Is this mandatory or can we use something different?

You can use the traditional Induction-Trance-Script methods of the past. But modern hypnosis theory believes trance is not required for suggestions to be accepted and hypnotic results to be seen. We use Palace of Mind in this course because of its many benefits, one of which is that the client walks away from each session with new tools to use at home between sessions. You can adapt what you learn here to your own style of hypnotism and might see different results.

What inductions do you use? Where do I find scripts for FND?

Modern 21st century hypnotism theory is discovering from neuroscience that the old induction-trance-script methods present a misunderstanding of what is really happening in the brain during hypnosis. The new understanding allows us to perform hypnosis without inductions, trance, or scripts, and is called Palace of Mind. It does not require memorizing inductions or scripts. We offer a complete POM course for those interested in using it for every other type of hypnotherapy.

How can I get the student discounted $99 price?

Send an email to Support@PalaceOfMind.com and attach a photo of your student ID or other credential proving your student status. Feel free to black out any ID number, birthdates, or other sensitive information.



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