NOTE: Discounts available to students of educational institutions in related study programs. See FAQ at bottom for details on how to get the discounted price.
An online downloadable course for licensed healthcare practitioners and also for certified hypnotists (NGH, IACT, ICBCH, etc.) to learn effective techniques for helping their patients and clients obtain positive resolutions for their symptoms of Conversion Disorder or Psychogenic Movement Disorder, now more commonly known as
Functional Neurologic Disorder (FND)
(including Functional Movement Disorder FMD)
Online Course
Designed by a Certified Master Trainer
instructor of hypnotism experienced in treating
FND and FMD symptoms
8 Lessons
Covering every topic you need
in order to be successful plus 5 Bonus Lessons for deeper dives into the details
2 hours 9 minutes
Of video instruction plus downloadable reference materials, and you'll be ready to start helping people overcome debilitating symptoms
World-class hypnosis course for anyone, anywhere with some experience in hypnotism
Medical literature has very few references to the use of hypnotism for resolving symptoms of FND movement disorders. You will learn the most important aspects of using hypnosis for treating the symptoms of these abnormal body movements, based on actual clinical experiences, not theory!
Frustrations of patients and doctors in finding treatment options
Dispel the myths about using hypnosis for these disorders
A proven step-by-step approach to the hypnosis session
How to use our framework of metaphors to address any condition
Common problems, questions, and support from other professionals
In what ways is video conference different than in-person hypnotism?
Every person with a psychogenic movement disorder has a different array of causes and symptoms. Learn how to zero in on the most effective healing.
Helping the client/patient re-establish agency over their body movements
Building a positive attitude of a successful resolution
3 key things that should always be included in the treatment
How to give the client a "remote control" to maintain agency all day long
Turn a common suggestibility test into a powerful hypnotic force
Taking you from the problem to the solution and beyond
Healthcare practitioners and their patients are often frustrated with a lack of "what to try next". In this course we will explain why hypnosis should be considered a front-line treatment option that gives people hope and relief
There are many myths about hypnosis and trance in general, and about treating FND and FMD with hypnotherapy, and we give you the straight truth on all of them, based on years of experience
From the pre-talk to "suggestibility proofs", to the use of the Palace of Mind as a framework for powerful metaphors, post-hypnotic suggestions, etc.
What happens before and after the first session is just as important as what happens during the session. Follow-up sessions. Predictors of success or failure.
We answer many questions and give you ideas on how to overcome common problems that may be encountered
After seeing the frustrations felt by healthcare practitioners and patients, we set out to find the key factors in determining successful outcomes, and built our course and our practice around those
Additional training is available for many other metaphors that might be useful to you
Completion of this course gets you listed in our public directory of FND Hypnosis practitioners
We offer this course online, so you can take it from the convenience of your home or office.
You can download this course to multiple computers as long as they all are under your control or ownership
One-on-one mentoring is available.
A growing network of graduates of this course is available for support and getting your questions answered
Articles, YouTube videos, web links for later reference after the course
Our product is based on real outcomes, and we stand behind its quality. This course includes:
8 lessons of on-demand video + 5 bonus deep-dive lessons
Over 2 hours of ground-breaking new information
Lessons accessible on mobile devices
Reference Materials downloadable
Access to online discussion forum for Q&A and support
If you have refractory patients with FND who don't seem to be getting any better with traditional treatments, and you have little else to offer, what if you could give them a better than 50/50 chance of improvement in a matter of a few sessions with you?
Instructor and Certified Master Trainer of hypnotism, International Assoc of Counselors and Therapists (IACT), Certified Hypnotist, National Guild of Hypnotists (NGH)
I didn't set out to specialize in movement disorders. In fact without having any medical training, I didn't even know what Functional Neurological Disorder was, and had to have it explained to me. All I saw was the symptoms my clients were exhibiting: lack of control over hand movements, head movement, speech, balance, gait, seizures, etc. So I used all the hypnotic techniques I have developed in my hypnosis practice over the years to treat the symptoms I could see, and surprisingly these clients responded well to it.
I worked with the neurologists, psychologists, psychiatrists, and physical therapists at UT Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas to begin quantifying the success rate as well as to find the key factors that determine positive outcomes. Many of my clients had nowhere else to turn. They had exhausted all the options traditionally employed in Western medicine, and I decided we must give more practitioners access to these techniques.
I look forward to working with you to start seeing some great outcomes, some of which may well appear magical and amazing!
There are many questions in this field that we cannot yet answer, but we have a rich set of experiences with our clients with FND or FMD that we can usually find answers for you